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Does Facebook Really Kill Relationships?

A lot of people believe that Facebook kills relationships. I don't. I honestly don't think that it does.

The main excuse I hear when it comes to Facebook and Relationships is:

"My partner is spying on me on my Facebook page."

First off, when you put something online, you are signing off your rights to privacy. A comment, picture, status whatever is ALWAYS saved online. Always. Even if you delete it. Even if you call Mark Zuckerberg himself and he deletes a status for you, once its out there its out there. (Think twice about what you post)

Secondly, everyone looks at their significant other's page. Get over it. If you let strangers look at your page, why have a problem when your significant other looks? 

Now ask yourself, are they looking or snooping? That's where the problem lays.
For the Snooper:

  • When it comes to looking at your partners page, the one thing you need to remember is: If you go looking for something, your going to find it. Even if there's nothing there, you'll always find something.
  • Now, that's not to say don't look at your partners page. Look, go right ahead. But don't go looking for what they're doing wrong.
  • Everyone has a split second thought, but let it be just that. A SPLIT second THOUGHT.
For the Snoopie:
  • Know your limit. If your partner constantly snoops and brings up all your conversations, ask yourself if you can continue to deal with that.
  • Take a look at your page. Are people being inappropriate? Are you saying inappropriate things?
  • Did you do something to make them lose trust in you? 
So what's the real reason people break up and blame Facebook? I have a theory. 

There are two reasons people snoop:
  1. Because they've been betrayed before
  2. Out of guilt
Everybody has been hurt before. Whether they want to admit it or not, everybody has. The key is how to deal with it.

The second reason is that basically, they're snooping because they feel guilty. The guilt can be small or large.

They could be cheating, thinking about cheating, or doing something that is borderline cheating. i.e.excessive flirting

A Tip for dealing with Facebook and Relationships:
Whether your snooping because you've been hurt before or your just damn nosey, don't go to the page with an intent. What's the saying again? When you go looking for something, you will find it. 

A Psychological Study shows that Facebook reinforces relationship jealousy. Check out what they have to say.

Do you have any tips for dealing with Facebook and Relationships?